As we’ve covered before, water plants and vegetation have many benefits to your lake or pond that range from aesthetic appeal and fresh smells to algae control and water oxygenation. It’s really important to understand the different types of water plants

you can have in your lake or pond to understand which would be the best fit for you.

Brief types of water vegetation. There are a few different types of water vegetation with different characteristics and advantages. Keep in minds there are factors that will also affect the way your pond looks, so it’s also important to know the physical attributes for each plant and what they mean. We’ve compiled a list to help you understand the most basic pond and lake plants and the benefits of having each one to help you choose the right water plant for your pond or lake.

water vegetation

water vegetation

Floating Vegetation. Floating plants hover freely on the water surface and can populate all areas of a pond no matter how deep or shallow. They help control the algae in your lake or pond because their wide, often big leaves, reduce the amount of light that enters the water, necessary for algae growth. They do require periodic upkeep and thinning, but they increase the looks of your pond or lake and reduce algae control, making the maintenance worthwhile.

Surface Vegetation. Surface vegetation grow on their roots on soil and have long, extended stems with leaves sitting on top of the surface. They also blow sunlight and compete with algae for the nutrients in the water, controlling their population and keeping it to a minimum. They are usually sturdy and have a tropical feel to them, making them a crowd favorite all over the world.

Submerged Plants & Oxygenated Plants. Submerged and oxygenating plants are the same thing: vegetation with submerged leaves, with fast-growing leaves that float freely, rarely breaking the water’s surface. Oxygenating plants are very important because they produce oxygen used by fish and other plants. They also use the nitrogen produced by decaying plants and fish waste, depriving algae from nutrients they need to grow.

Bog/Marginal Plants. Marginal plants are those that prefer to have their roots and lower part submerged in water and their leave above the surface. They work best when planted in shallow edges of ponds or lakes, rooting in the moist soil. They compete with algae for nitrogen and other nutrients to help control their population.

Make sure you purchase the correct water plant to achieve the best looks and practicality of your pond or lake. If you need additional tips give us a call and one of our experts will schedule an in-house consultation today!
