Even people who have never fished before know the basics of fishing – you put some bait on a line, drop it in the water, and wait for something to bite. But fishing without live bait, or fly fishing, requires different techniques. Different types of artificial flies must be used,

depending on the type of fish you want to catch and the environment.

The weight of the line and the form in which you throw it also varies. As we, at Clearwater Consulting, specialize in lakes and ponds, here are some tips for fly fishing in those environments.

fun fly fishingLocation: Contrary to popular belief, a boat is not necessary for fly fishing. You want to be in the areas where insects gather, so stick to the edge of the lake and look for shaded areas. Try to fish close to sunset, when insect larvae hatch and fish start to swam.

Movement: It may seem obvious, but try to avoid wading too far into the water or wade quietly, as not to scare the fish. Do not cast your line on top of the fish, but rather from a distance, letting them find your fly.

Equipment: Keep your tools in tip top shape. Make sure your hooks are sharp. Check out your line frequently while fishing to ensure that there are no knots, which weaken the line. Research the type of fly that is needed for the fish you are trying to catch.

Many fly fishers choose to throw back the majority of the fish caught. Others fish for their lunch and dinner. Either way, Clearwater Consulting can help keep your pond or lake in prime condition. We offer fisheries management to maintain your water body well-stocked with fish, so that you can continue to enjoy this exciting sport.