Thank you so much for the beautiful ad!
Thank you so much for the time you took to get this right, it looks great!
We love the new logo. The ad looks great, thanks.
Today I picked up my magazine while eating at Emerald Greens and want to tell you that my ad was perfect. The only thing is that next time I think Ill go with the back cover. Have a great day and see you next year.
The ad is perfect, no changes needed. Thank you so much!
My copies of Golfer’s Magazine came today and we are so happy with the ad and the placement you gave us. THANK YOU, Also it came in time for the Golf Tournament that we are having to benefit veterans at Moorpark Country Club. again Thank You.
Can I please have more copies as I think that I could easily hand out all of these at the tournament. I have a Home Show at the Hyatt Hotel on April 18th and 19th and I would really appreciate it if you could send me more copies so I could hand them out.
Please let me know if it’s possible so I can pass out the ones I have this coming Monday.
Thank You,